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Senior Academy Review Notes
Full Swing


Three Hour Session ~ "The Basics" 

You must believe, understand, and practice the basic fundamentals and commit them to your "super subconscious" to execute them on the course. This takes time and repetition to build consistency and confidence in your swing. These precious simple basics are the key to easy game improvement.

To begin the process these are the setup basics to be covered in "The Setup Basics" session.

  • The Senior Grip for power draws

  • Stance to produce in to out swing path

  • Ball position difference from irons to driver

  • Posture with your different length clubs

  • Strategic aim and body alignment

We pull this together with a simple and easy routine you must practice. Get your reps in.


"The Takeaway"

The next step in the all important in the "The Basics" session.

  • Learn the first move on our backswing where the club head swings back to approximately 8 o'clock.

  • Set the club on the right swing plane by having your "hands in & club head out"

  • Club's face is at a 45 degree angle, not toe skyward


"Halfway Back to the Top"


  • It is the position where the lead arm is now parallel to the ground.

  • Let your trail knee release on the backswing 30 to 15 degrees.

  • Let your hips rotate as your knees release- get about 45 degrees of turn your hips by the time the lead arm is parallel to the ground.

  • The lead arm should swing more upwards to lengthen the backswing to its maximum amount.


The Lead Wrist at the top of the backswing

At the top of the backswing the lead wrist (right handed players) can be slightly bowed to encourage a slightly closed club face to the swing path producing a drawing ball flight.

Weight has shifted to the trail foot at the top of the backswing.

  • 80% of your weight has shifted onto the inside of the trail foot by the time you at the finish of your backswing.

  • Eliminate a sway and create a good solid turn.

Key note: Shifting your weight from side to side helps create momentum, which turns into club head speed and create energy that transfers in to the ball. The is a simple ands easy way to generate power.

The Transition

This is the point in your golf swing when your swing reverses its direction on the way back to the ball or the downswing.

There is not much time to think here however a crucial move for good ball striking. 


  • The initial move is the "step left" with your left foot to begin the action of the transition.

  • As you step left your arms will lower into the plane slot to get the club shaft on line to the delivery position on way to impact with the golf ball.

  • The delivery position is when the club is approximately half way down to impact. The lead arm should be higher than the right elbow creating a window  between the arms producing an inside to out swing path to impact. This is a big move to master.


Impact Position

The moment of truth has arrived.

  • Weight has shifted back to the lead foot

  • Shoulders feel slightly closed

  • Hips slightly closed or square to the target line

  • Head turned slightly back to the right, like setup position

  • Club shaft should be leaning more towards the target than at tempo address.


Post Impact to Finish

Both arms will be straight for an instant post impact then the forearms and hands rotate the toe of the club over to the left about 45 degrees generating speed and a drawing ball flight.

  • Hand should finish high

  • Weight 90% on lead foot and trail knee touching the lead knee in a balance.

  • This will help you feel and find your tempo to produce consistent golf shots.

Full Swing ~ Senior Academy Summary Sheet

Fundamental Basics:

  • Senior Grip: Optimal for power draws.

  • Stance: Setup for in to out swing path.

  • Ball Position: Adjust for irons vs. driver.

  • Posture: Adapt with club length.

  • Aim and Alignment: Body alignment strategy.

Key Steps:

  1. "The Takeaway":

    • Initiate backswing to 8 o'clock.

    • Set club on correct plane.

    • Ensure club face angle.

  2. "Halfway Back to the Top":

    • Lead arm parallel.

    • Controlled knee release.

    • Hip rotation and arm extension.

  3. "The Lead Wrist":

    • Bow for closed club face.

    • Weight shift to the right.

  4. The Transition:

    • Step left to initiate.

    • Lower arms into slot.

    • Achieve delivery position for path.

  5. Impact Position:

    • Transfer weight to lead foot.

    • Align shoulders and hips.

    • Lean club shaft towards target.

  6. Post Impact to Finish:

    • Straighten arms post-impact.

    • Rotate forearms and hands.

    • Achieve balance in weight distribution.

Practice these steps consistently for improved swing performance.

Short Game ~ Senior Academy

Essential Short Game Scoring Shots ~ Review Notes


When executing short game scoring shots, the club head is always descending to the ball. This is an essential function in short game skill development. Key point - Focus on the process and avoid thinking about results while playing.


Chip-Putt Shot

Putt whenever possible especially under pressure – Remember, however, the ground conditions before you get to the green can be irregular. If you feel you are facing uncertain bounces, it’s time to use the chip-putt method. The basic concept is feeling like you’re putting with a more lofted club. Club selection can be from a wedge to a hybrid.

• Set up in your putting stance and use a putting grip.

• Connect both elbows to your sides in front of your rib cage.

• Keep elbows same distance apart during the swing

• Club shaft leans one ball forward of the ball on the ground.

• Ball position lowest part of the swing arc – close to center of stance

• Feel shoulders level at address.

• Take the club back with your core as elbows stay connect to your rib cage.

• Use your last look for – Trajectory, Landing, Release • Club lofts should vary for trajectory and roll out.


Basic Chip Shot

This shot can be used when you are 8 yards or more off the green. Generally, you want to land the ball on the green and roll out to your target. Roll can be determined by club selection, trajectory and course conditions. Here's a checklist of your chipping setup:

  • Position the ball between your heels and flare your toes.

  • Setup square to slightly open with your stance.

  • Weight is position 60% to 70 % on your lead foot to the target

  • Feel shoulders level to the ground at address

  • Lean club shaft slightly towards lead hip, grip end points just above belt line.

  • Hands will be slightly forward of the golf ball.

  • Open club face 3 or 4 degrees to use more bounce

  • Feel like your backswing and through swing are equal more in a pendulum motion

  • Work on direction control and roll out


Wedge Play from the Red Zone (30 yards and in) ~ short to mid range pitch shots

Less than full swing with wedge play requires control of distance, trajectory, and roll out. These shots can be hit with your pitching wedge 46 degrees, gap wedge of 50 degrees, sand wedge 54 degrees and lob wedge of 58-60 degrees.


Key Note: Club head is always descending to the ball on these shots


  • Stand to the club shaft

  • Adjust ball position according to the lie and shaft lean determines trajectory, contact and roll out.

  • Left shoulder feels down – feel left shoulder lower than right, this makes the club head swing downward towards the ball.

  •  Feet two to three club head widths apart - narrow

  • Equal out the sides of the swing with smooth tempo to start

  •  Reverse down swing sequence from full swing – Start down with the club head down first – transfer weight as your upper body starts down swing sequence.

  • Quiet lower body

  •  Most common mistakes – too much upward shoulder tilt at address or too much lateral movement towards target


The High Slider in the Rough

Play is a cut shot out of the deep rough with a sand wedge or lob wedge. – creates a high soft shot.

• Stand to the club shaft

• Open the club face as shaft leans back – club face slides on the back edge along the turf.

• Steeper angle of decent created by more wrist hinge. • Add more speed to the down swing.

• Fold the arms up at the finish while keeping club face square.


Buried Lie in the Rough near green edge Hinge the club up quickly and steep angle of attack back to the ball. Set the shaft down straight with an open club face, low finish. (no flipping of the wrists) • Use different wedge depending on distance and roll out.

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